We regularly send out updates via our mailing list and we would be delighted if you could sign up and be part of the work we do to change lives.
We’ve been supporting vulnerable people for 50 years and in that time we have transformed many lives. Our newsletter tells the stories of people we have supported, shares behind the scenes news from SSJ – including commentary from the CEO and senior managers, and also offers tips and advice on how you can support us via volunteering and fundraising.
What are you waiting for? Subscribe now and support us in ending homelessness.
For any other news, please sign up via the form below.
Just £30
Could provide a First Steps Box for someone moving off the street and into a hostel.

Are you 18-25? Recently had a run in with the police? Are you concerned you are being drawn into criminal behaviours? We can support you with: Accommodation Education, training and...

We are looking for new Trustees
An exciting opportunity has arisen to join The Society of St James as a Trustee where you will be able to have an impact on the work we do to...

Fishing for Hope: How a Simple Activity Transformed a Man’s Behaviour and Outlook
One of our service users had served a 24-month sentence at HMP Winchester and was recalled to prison after failing to cope with his emotional and past issues in the...

Southampton Floating Support
Monty's Community Hub - 1st Wednesday of every month - 10.30am-12pm (Upcoming Session: 5th March 2025)Are you a Southampton Resident? Are you aged between 18-65? If the answer is yes, get...