Sponsored Events

Organising a sponsored event is fun and socially enjoyable of raising money to help SSJ!

Popular events include sponsored walks running events and bike rides.

In 2017 people raised over £15,000 to support our work through these types of events!

If you are thinking of organising a sponsored event here are a few things you need to think about:

  • The number of participants – the more people who take part the more money you can raise, but this also takes more management and planning.
  • Where you will hold the event – you may need permission from the local authority if you want to use public space in the city.
  • The route you will take if you are doing a long distance ride, run or walk – consider facilities on the route such as refreshment areas and toilet.
  • Safety – you will need a risk assessment and a risk management plan to ensure that everyone who takes part or comes along as a spectator is safe. You may need a qualified first-aider.
  • Insurance – you may need to have public liability insurance for your event.

This sounds like a lot to think about but don’t let it put you off – we are more than happy to help you with your event. We can help you with planning and publicity and promote the event on your behalf.

Get in touch and have a chat with us and see if we can make your event happen!

T: 023 8063 4596

E: fundraising@ssj.org.uk