Education, health & wellbeing

Education, health & wellbeing services across Portsmouth and Southampton

Education, health & wellbeing

Education, health & wellbeing services across Portsmouth and Southampton


We know through years of experience that to tackle poverty and in particular homelessness we need to tackle the education, health & wellbeing and economic inequalities faced by the disadvantaged adults that we work with here at the Society of St James.

We use our charitable status to secure funding to provide services over and above those provided by local councils to tackle homelessness. And we will continue to listen to our service users to find ways of reducing the inequalities they face to give them the best possible chance to fulfil their potential. You can help us to tackle these inequalities by:

Services We Provide

Reducing the Cost of Living

James’ Pantry The increasing cost of living is having a huge impact on everyone but most painfully on those from deprived communities. Many of those individuals suffering economic inequality are residing in SSJ properties or are accessing one or more of the other services that we offer here at The Society of St James. James’…

READ MORE about Reducing the Cost of Living

Just £30

Could provide a First Steps Box for someone moving off the street and into a hostel.