Some people need a bit of extra care and investment to help them live a better life. Our specialist support and accommodation provision enables people with very specific needs to find the best way for them to live their day to day lives.
Our specialist accommodation has a focus on recovery as well as helping people who wish to continue living their chosen lifestyle stay safer and healthier.
At SSJ we believe that recovery often means different things to different people. At SSJ we believe that people should be offered as many different options as possible to help them engage with change. We are not focused on abstinence as the only option – we recognise this works for some people but for many others it is unrealistic.
Choice is something that everyone is entitled to, even if sometimes those choices are not always wise!
Services We Provide
Are you 18-25? Recently had a run in with the police? Are you concerned you are being drawn into criminal behaviours? We can support you with: Accommodation Education, training and employment Health Finance, benefit and debt Drugs and alcohol Children and family Attitude, thinking and behaviour If you are arrested you will be made aware…
Care Homes
St James Care and Linden House were purchased as the Society of St James recognised a number of our vulnerable adults we supported in in our accommodation services often went on to have longer team health difficulties, or more complex needs and as consequence in 2007 they purchased an older persons home in Radstock Road,…
Southampton Alcohol Accommodation Service
Our specialist alcohol supported accommodation service is part of the Southampton Housing Related Support service and supports 24 adults who are trying to overcome their problematic alcohol use so that they can have a better, healthier future. All the support is tailored around individual need and people are encouraged to progress at a pace that…
Portsmouth Recovery Housing
Our Recovery Housing is for people who are starting their recovery journey and need a safe place to live to enable them to focus on the change they are seeking in their lives. The support provided here is focused on the individual and how they want their journey to progress. Every person has their own…
Forces, Link, Alcohol & Gambling Support (FLAGS)
The Forces Alcohol and Gambling Support service (known as FLAGS) is delivered by an independent charity organisation, The Society of St James. This local agency specialises in supporting people in making their lives better and has expertise in behaviour change interventions. This service is important to us as a need for support within serving personnel…
Integrated Offender Management
This is a hugely successful service that we deliver on behalf of the Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner and in partnership with the probation service and Hampshire, Southampton and Portsmouth drug services. The aim is to reduce re-offending by building on an individual’s strengths using an approach that recognises and addresses past trauma as a…
Southampton Floating Support
Monty’s Community Hub – 1st Wednesday of every month – 10.30am-12pm (Upcoming Session: 5th March 2025)Are you a Southampton Resident? Are you aged between 18-65? If the answer is yes, get in touch with our support team who can help with: Benefits and financial support Debt management and budgeting Health and wellbeing Improving employment opportunities In…
Just £30
Could provide a First Steps Box for someone moving off the street and into a hostel.


We are looking for new Trustees

Fishing for Hope: How a Simple Activity Transformed a Man’s Behaviour and Outlook