This is a hugely successful service that we deliver on behalf of the Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner and in partnership with the probation service and Hampshire, Southampton and Portsmouth drug services.
The aim is to reduce re-offending by building on an individual’s strengths using an approach that recognises and addresses past trauma as a root cause of an individual’s circumstances.
Our IOM Supported Houses have gained recognition across county borders and are thought to be the only service of its kind, providing a housing solution for people whose substance use problems are at the root of their offending behaviour.
The IOM housing provides a safe, structured, substance-free environment. We currently have three houses and support 21 people through close partnership arrangements with police, probation and substance misuse services. Residents share the responsibility of taking care of the house, and focus on addressing their substance use so that they can achieve and maintain the positive changes to their lives and avoid re-offending.
During 2022 we welcomed 33 new people into the IOM supported housing and said a very positive ‘goodbye’ to 16 people who moved into more independent accommodation.
In our community provision, individuals referred into the scheme are allocated a lead Recovery Worker who works with them to improve their situation.
We worked with 46 new people in the community during 2022 with the team carrying an average case load of 63. We said a very positive goodbye to 31 people during this period.
Referrals are usually co-ordinated by the Probation officer but for more information contact us.

We are looking for new Trustees

Fishing for Hope: How a Simple Activity Transformed a Man’s Behaviour and Outlook