Transforming Lives: NHS Property Services’ Volunteer Projects Enhance Living Spaces for SSJ Residents
We are delighted that NHS Property Services has chosen SSJ’s residents to be beneficiaries of their volunteering activities. A team of volunteers from NHS Property Services has recently completed two projects to improve the living spaces for some of our residents in Southampton. They have transformed one of our Care Homes and our move-on flats with their skills and dedication.
The volunteers spent precious time cleaning, painting, wallpapering, decorating and gardening. The results are amazing and we are so grateful for their generosity and hard work.
Our residents are thrilled with the changes and have expressed their appreciation to the volunteers. Karen Ward St James Care Registered Manager said “It feels like a new home. I love the beautiful wallpaper. It makes me and the other dedicated staff happy to work here and to see how pleased the residents are with the results.” Simone Gleed, SSJ Housing Services Manager said: “I can’t thank them enough and what cheery teams of volunteers they were. They have done more than just a ‘do-over’ they have improved the lives of not only our vulnerable residents but our staff as well.”
We would like to thank NHS Property Services for choosing to volunteer at The Society of St James. They have shown us what a difference a group of caring and compassionate people can make in the lives of others.
We understand that these projects are just the start of a long-lasting partnership between our organisations. We look forward to working with them again in the future and seeing more positive outcomes for our service users and residents. Samantha Crawford, NHSPS’ Senior Estates Manager said “It has been fantastic getting to know the teams that work for SSJ and to gain an understanding of the important work they do in our local communities to provide more opportunities and better lives for vulnerable people. Having the opportunity to improve their care homes and residential properties by utilising the skills we have within our in house teams along with the time and dedication of all other colleagues has been incredibly rewarding“.
Thank you, NHS Property Services, for making a difference!