Can you help with a ‘Raised Plant Bed’ project?
SSJ Hostel looking for garden bed donations:
Now more than ever, we are realising the benefit of being outdoors. Many of us have spent the past few weeks and months tending to our gardens and becoming reacquainted with nature. The same has been happening at one of our homelessness hostels in Aldershot, where service users have spent time creating a new area for plants, and it has helped to support residents’ wellbeing during this difficult time.
Sarah Johnson wrote for The Guardian about a community gardening project in London called Sydenham Gardens, she said: “Sydenham Garden is part of a growing movement devoted to increasing the role that gardening and other forms of “green” therapy can play in patient recovery and rehabilitation settings”.
The service users at our hostel in Aldershot are experiencing the same benefits as those in Sydenham, including increased wellness, a positive impact on mental health, and an overall good feeling.
CAN YOU HELP TO KEEP THIS GOING? Residents are in need of some much needed items to help them create a raised bed for plants as much of the ground within the garden isn’t plant friendly. One resident in particular, who has been positively impacted by the idea of a garden to tend to, wants to spend his time creating the raised bed.
We are looking for a number of items to make this possible. Please see the list below and contact Hannah Adams-Cox if you can help.
What do we need?
- Raised garden bed kits
- Topsoil/Garden soil
- Plants of all kinds
Please be aware that any offer to deliver items requested will be in Aldershot only and cannot be accepted elsewhere.
If you can help, please contact