Jason “SSJ made my Christmas”

This blog was written in 2020, but has been republished to celebrate 50 years of SSJ and to represent what the future looks like for our service users.

Jason was homeless at Christmas

Jason said; “Last Christmas (2020) I was living in my friends van, drinking to excess to keep myself warm. I was working occasional cash in hand jobs where I could to try to get money for my children’s Christmas presents -while neglecting my own needs like having food. I would wash in local streams or wherever I could to try and make myself presentable for when I did see my Children.”

“Christmas is the season of giving but it felt like there was nothing left for me. I felt like a burden to my family. It was really hard watching other people go home to their families while I went back to the van.”

“This will be my first Christmas with SSJ; I’m really looking forward to helping make the Christmas dinner as originally, I was a chef by trade. I have a roof over my head and a warm room.”

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