Organise a Food Collection

Food items are really useful to us, however we cannot always take large quantities of fresh produce as we can’t always distribute it quickly enough to our services. We also receive a lot of fresh produce through FareShare and donations of fresh foods from local supermarkets every week. However we do welcome the following food items:

  • Tinned foods – soup, fish, vegetables, ready meals
  • Dried foods – pasta, rice, cereals, sugar, sauces and salad dressings
  • Drinks – tea, coffee, hot chocolate, fruit squash, fruit juices, long-life milk
  • Other food items that help people prepare a meal – cooking oils, herbs & spices, stock cubes, condiments

We also need snack meals that can be made in a mug, such as cup-a-soups, mug-shots and pot noodles.